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Larry's Sci-Fi
With A Friend!

The Blob


Yes, that's Blob with a B at the end. Or rather, a b at the end. It's spelled right. We meant that. Besides the obvious The Blob 1950's Sci-Fi reference, it accurately reflects the mixed-up miscellany that follows. Here you'll find a hodgepodge of a collection of a variety of a mixture of random things. A Blob.

We hope you enjoy the blobbages.

Contributor Columns


These are the musings of our own staff and periodic contributors as they ponder, cogitate, contemplate, meditate, speculate, and reflect on the world of Science Fiction. With luck, these Edison Carter and Lois Lane wannabes will avoid over use of the thesaurus. We wish them luck, good fortune, blessings, good karma, and a favorable wind at their back.


Card catalog

Sometimes you just want an iota of information without waiting millions of years for an Earth-sized computer to spit out a useless answer to you. Or maybe you don't want to take the time to warp out to Memory Alpha only to find that some rogue Zetarans have wiped the memory banks clean. In that case, it is only logical that you look here.

Top Seven Lists


Why seven? We could make up a crazy theory about how we love prime numbers here, or of our intense respect for Terry Nation's vision in Blake's 7, but that would just be a lie. Basically it's just that we're too lazy to do all the work of a top ten list. And since 70% is still passing for most schools, we went with that.

Profile of the Week

This week we focus on the amazing life of , a trailblazer of modern Science Fiction who set the bar for everyone else who followed.

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